Native Plants & Foods Institute

Connecting people with plants, local ecosystems, and cultural traditions.

Our Work

Our Principles

Our Team

Native Plants & Foods Institute is hosted by Tahoma Peak Solutions, a Native women-owned firm focused on building up communities in Indian Country.

About Us


Tend, Gather & Grow

Tend, Gather and Grow is a K-12 curriculum that focuses on native and naturalized plants of the Pacific Northwest region. Through hands-on activities, students explore themes in wild food traditions, herbal medicine, plant technologies, cultural ecosystems, and tree communities.  Native American plant knowledge and stories are woven throughout the curriculum.

More Info & Curriculum

Plant Teachings for Growing Social-Emotional Skills

Plant Teachings for Growing Social-Emotional Skills is a toolkit on how plants can lead us in being healthy and resilient. It includes a book, plant teaching cards, movement videos, posters, and activity guide.

More Info & Curriculum

Cedar Box Experience

The Cedar Box Teaching Toolkit is an educational resource featuring thirteen important native foods in Salish Country and the rich cultural traditions that surround them. The toolkit includes a curriculum with descriptions of each food, teaching cards, videos, a poster, and a recipe book. Explore a digital version of the toolkit on the interactive Cedar Box Experience website. 

More Info & Curriculum
Cover of the Plant Teaching Book.

Order educational materials!

Printed materials from our featured educational resources are available through Chatwin Books. Order the Tend curriculum, the Plant Teachings book and cards, the Feed 7 Generations cookbook, posters and more through the Salmonberry Imprint.

Plant of the Month: Nettle

Nettles are a welcome sign of spring. In addition to being a nurturing food and a powerful medicine, they can help us to be fully present in the moment.

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Cottonwood Plant Teachings Partnership

Learn about how the Cottonwood School of Civics and Science in Portland, Oregon has adopted the Plant Teachings toolkit.

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The Gifts of Grandmother Cedar

Red about Cedar from Elise Krohn, Native Plants and Foods Institute Co-director

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